
We represent Italian excellence to make your work excellent, fast and reliable. The customer first.

Stand Nr.: K17
Country:  Lithuania

GBHoses pārstāv un tirgo trim Baltijas reģioniem, Itālijas uzņēmumu produkciju, kas savu produktu uzticamību, elastību, izturību un drošību ir padarījuši par korporatīvo misiju: TECNOVER krāsošanas iekārtu ražotājs un SPEXPARTS augstspiediena šļūteņu ražotājs.
GBHoses represents and markets for the 3 Baltic regions, the products of Italian companies that have made reliability, flexibility, resistance and safety of the them products, the corporate mission. TECNOVER maker of painting equipment and SPEXPARTS maker of high pressure hoses
GBHoses представляет и продает для трех балтийских регионов продукцию итальянских компаний, которые сделали надежность, гибкость, прочность и безопасность своей продукции корпоративной миссией. TECNOVER производитель покрасочного оборудования и SPEXPARTS производитель шлангов высокого давления


location_on Pylimo g. 41-12, LT-01136, Vilnius
phone +37062020303
person Gabriella Barone

Tecnover Italia - Spexparts Italia

1.2. Construction, renovation, reconstruction

2. Building structures and products

2.11. Indoor and outdoor covering materials

3. Primary building materials, finishing materials and intermediates

3.3. Paints, lacquers

3.6. Premixes

3.7. Chemicals

3.9. Insulating materials and products

6. Building tools and machinery

8.6. Pipes, ducts

8.7. Pumps

* The catalogue contains information supplied by participants. The participant accepts full liability for the content of information published.