[Tuesday 7:23 PM] Gunita Ievkalne Medis Pharma Lithuana ir Vācijas zīmola Pantogar pārstāvis. Pantogar - līdzekļi matu kopšanai. Šampūni, toniki un uztura bagātinātājs palīdz cīnīties ar matu izkrišanu, aktivizēt to augšanu un uzturēt veselīgus un skaistus matus.
Medis Pharma Lithuania representer of the the German brand Pantogar. Pantogar - products for hair treatment. Shampoos, tonics and food supplement helps to fight hair loss, active hair growth and to maintain healthy and beautiful hair.
link www.pantogar.lv email info@pantogar.lv phone +37065766356 person Sandra Montvilaite
11.1 hair care products
22.17 hair care rituals
23 Food supplements
* The catalogue contains information supplied by participants. The participant accepts full liability for the content of information published.