Izvēlēties ilgtspējīgu dizainu ir stilīgi!
location_on Baznīcas iela 18a Rīga
link mrbunny.shop
email hello@mrbunny.shop
phone 29462228
person Daidze Vālodze Sončika
2.4 Childcare products: baby walkers, baby slings and carriers, car seats, prams, buggies and strollers, etc.
2.5 Bedding for children
2.7 Shops and Internet shops
2.8 Childcare products for rent
3 Clothing and accessories
3.1 Clothing for newborns and children
3.5 Accessories: socks, pantyhose, headgear, shawls, etc
5 Toys and games
5.1 Toys for newborns
5.2 Development games: constructors, puzzles, logic games, modelling sets, etc.
5.3 Toys to enhance children’s creativity
5.5 Soft, plastic, metal and wooden toys
5.6 Dolls and accessories
7 Furniture
7.1 Special furniture for newborns: cots, changing tables, chairs, etc.
* The catalogue contains information supplied by participants. The participant accepts full liability for the content of information published.