
Sargā bērnību!

Stand Nr.: C11
Country:  Latvia

Laipni lūdzam "TranaKids" pasaulē, kur katrs mazuļa solis ir piepildīts ar prieku un kustību! “TranaKids” – profesionāļu komanda, kas ražo produktus bērna fiziskai un intelektuālai attīstībai. Misija ir aizsargāt bērnību, nodrošinot iespēju augt drošā vidē.
Welcome to the world of "TranaKids", where every babys step is filled with joy and movement! We make products for the physical and intellectual development of children. The mission is to protect childhood by providing the opportunity to grow up in a safe environment.
Добро пожаловать в мир «TranaKids», где каждый шаг малыша наполнен радостью и движением! «TranaKids» — команда профессионалов, производящая товары для физического и интеллектуального развития детей. Миссия – защитить детство, предоставив возможность вырасти в безопасной среде.


location_on Ropažu nov., Stopiņu pag., Dzidriņas, Podziņu iela 4, LV-2130
phone +371 25515924
person Raimonds Kokins

"TranaKids", Latvija

2 Mother and child

2.7 Shops and Internet shops

5 Toys and games

5.1 Toys for newborns

5.2 Development games: constructors, puzzles, logic games, modelling sets, etc.

5.3 Toys to enhance children’s creativity

5.5 Soft, plastic, metal and wooden toys

5.11 Equipment for indoor and outdoor children playgrounds

5.12 Home sports facilities for children

7 Furniture

7.3 Baby furniture, furniture for adolescents

7.4 Nursery school furniture

7.5 Interior design

8 Sports inventory for children

* The catalogue contains information supplied by participants. The participant accepts full liability for the content of information published.