Piedzīvojumu un iedvesmas vieta “Nākotnes parks” ir 50 hektāru plaša teritorija, kurā aizraujoši laiku pavadīs ikviens labas atpūtas cienītājs. Piedāvājumā: ekskursijas ar tepat ražoto produktu degustāciju, naktsmītnes, pirts un kubls, kā arī vietu gan privātiem, gan korporatīviem pasākumiem.
The place of adventure and inspiration, "Nākotnes Parks", is a 50-hectare area where every lover of good recreation will have an exciting time. The offerings include guided tours with tastings of locally produced products, accommodations, as well as a venue for both private and corporate events.
location_on "Industriālais parks", Nākotne, Glūdas pagasts, Jelgavas novads, LV-3040 link https://nakotnesparks.lv/lv/ email info@nakotnesparks.lv phone 25713949 person Elvijs Akmentiņš
5 Domestic Travel
11 Country Travel
12 Accomodation
18 Culture tourism/museum/theater
* The catalogue contains information supplied by participants. The participant accepts full liability for the content of information published.