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The Baltics leading trade fair organiser
21 – 23 February
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Education Trade Fair No. 1

27th International Education Trade Fair SKOLA – the most important educational opportunities event in Latvia, gathering thousands of young people at Ķīpsala International Exhibition Centre and offering a wide range of quality information about education in Latvia and abroad.


Learn and choose at the fair!

• Higher education institutions • Technical colleges, vocational secondary schools • Colleges
• Preparatory, development and other courses
• Interest-related education for children and teenagers
• Education equipment and supplies, teaching aids

Exhibition opening hours:

21-22 February 10.00–18.00
23 February 10.00–17.00

Entrance ticket prices:

For children up to 7 years old – free of charge
Entrance ticket – 5,00 €
Pensioners, disabled persons – 4,00 €

Parking – 5,00 €

Parking payment may be made in a parking payment machine (card settlement) or in a mobile application – Mobilly (payment area – SIC).

Entrance ticket valid for one-off visit on any exhibition day.

Group entrance ticket price: €4.00 per student, the ticket is free for the teacher accompanying the group.

Notice! Please note that filming/photography is taking place at this event. Purpose: Event’s publicity.
Manager: SIA “BT 1”, Reg.No. 40003241394 Registered address: Ķīpsalas iela 8, Rīga




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  • paid zone D
  • free parking

City Centre to Ķīpsala:

Trolleybuses 5, 12, 25
Buses 13, 30, 37, 41, 53, 57

Ķīpsala to City Centre:

Trolleybuses 5, 12, 25
Buses 13, 30, 37, 41, 53, 57
X TAXI, telephone: 8500

Distances to

Old Town: 1 km – 5 minute drive
airport: 10 km – 10 minute drive
railway terminal: 3 km – 5 minute drive
bus station: 3 km – 5 minute drive

  • free parking at shopping centre Olimpia for an unlimited period (valid only on the days of the exhibition)
Diennakts autostāvvieta Mobilly