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"Pajumäe Talu" brī siers “MAHE-Brie”

Brie is known as the queen of cheeses. Pajumäe’s organic, soft, and creamy white mold cheese is made from full-fat milk and surrounded by an edible white mold rind. As it matures, the interior of the cheese becomes pale yellow and creamy. The cheese has an aromatic and mild flavor, slightly salty, with a creamy and rich texture. Pajumäe Brie is perfect for a light meal or to enjoy after dinner. It is also suitable for baking fruit or berry cakes and pies, making appetizers, or using in salads. It pairs well with lighter red wines such as Pinot Noir or Beaujolais. If possible, the cheese should be taken out of the refrigerator and brought to room temperature for up to an hour before serving - this will enhance the aromas and flavors.
Kategorija: Piens un piena produkti (tostarp kazas un aitas piena produkti)
Produkta receptes radītāja un radīšanas gads: Mari-Liisi Soosaar, 2022
Izcelsme: Pajumäe organic farm continuissly search new ways to improve. Brie cheese has been in our minds for some time and last year we started experimenting with it.
Meistars: Viljar Veidenberg
Produkts pieejams: Dažādos Igaunijas veikalos, piemēram, “Stockmann” Tallinā, “Tartu Turuhoone” Tartu, “Pajumäe” zemnieku saimniecībā Mulgi pagastā

Vidējā cena: 4,90 EUR
